Seasons of Sobriety

Kami S - Lakewood NJ

Episode Summary

This episode features Kami S from Lakewood New Jersey Kami has been sober since September 7, 1981

Episode Notes

This episode features Kami S from Lakewood New Jersey.  Kami has been sober since September 7, 1981.

Kami’s story reveals the sinister nature of that voice inside that tells us we are enough and how she overcame all the negative messages she gave herself about her learning disability.  She also has a little twist regarding an amend that has allowed her to live and forgive.

Her story demonstrates the willingness to dig deep into the emotional disruptions of life and how best to heal from them after decades of recovery,


Reading Recommendation from Kami S.

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by  by Don Miguel Ruiz


Use the link below if you would like to contact the show.

A special thanks to Sound Devices  for donating the MixPre-6 used to record portions of this episode.